Book a flight departing from Helena, MT (Montana)

All non-stop flights (direct) as well as those with stopovers

Direct flights from Helena

DestinationDeparture atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
Denver23 May 202429 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 273
Seattle14 May 202415 May 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 176
Salt Lake City21 June 202424 June 2024Delta Air LinesTickets from 298



Booking a flight from Helena Montana is possible at affordable rates due to the availability of inexpensive flights to your destination from Helena, MT. Flying to Helena Montana via direct flights is a very economical way to travel due to the low cost airlines and the reduction in overbooking on their part, especially during the holidays. offers flight reservations from Helena Montana. It allows users to compare prices and book airline tickets online in a more convenient way.