Book a flight departing from Fairbanks, AK (Alaska)

All non-stop flights (direct) as well as those with stopovers

Direct flights from Fairbanks

DestinationDeparture atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
Anchorage24 May 202425 May 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 191
Chicago2 August 202410 August 2024United AirlinesTickets from 652
Denver15 June 202416 June 2024United AirlinesTickets from 654
Minneapolis13 June 202421 June 2024Delta Air LinesTickets from 538
Seattle5 July 20248 July 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 279


Flights from Fairbanks

DestinationDeparture atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
Seattle5 July 20248 July 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 279
Barrow5 July 20246 July 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 252
Cincinnati14 May 202417 May 2024American AirlinesTickets from 532
Dallas23 May 202431 May 2024American AirlinesTickets from 343
El Paso29 May 20241 June 2024United AirlinesTickets from 363
Manila10 July 202415 July 2024United AirlinesTickets from 1 399
Everett5 July 20248 July 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 323
Philadelphia22 June 20247 July 2024United AirlinesTickets from 403
Phoenix31 May 20241 June 2024United AirlinesTickets from 252
Richmond20 May 202423 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 431
San Antonio19 July 202423 July 2024United AirlinesTickets from 400


Booking flights to Fairbanks, AK can be a snap if you know exactly where and how to do it. The best part about flying in Fairbanks, AK is that the in-flight facilities are the best there is. Most people who come to Fairbanks, AK have never been to Alaska or have limited knowledge of the area. This is why booking your flight online with a professional travel agent will save you time and hassle since you will have an experienced professional to guide you through the process.

Alaska is full of wonders, whether you are looking for adventure or a relaxed family vacation. When you book a direct flight to Fairbanks, you get one step closer to all that Alaska has to offer. There are tons of attractions within a 90 minute drive of the airport and they are no better than Kenai Fjords National Park. This park has been featured in countless movies and has been ranked as the number one place in the country by National Geographic Traveler and voted one of the top three places to visit in the world by Trip Advisor. If you book your flights to Alaska online with a travel agent specializing in Alaska travel, you will get even more for your money because they will know exactly the right way to approach you and the best ticket deals from. planes and hotels that will make your trip one you will never forget.

Alaska is known for its wide variety of activities, so whether you want to kayak a river or hike a volcano, you won't be disappointed. You can even take a cruise from Fairbanks, AK to Ketchikan and experience the sights and sounds of the cruise. Whatever you want to do and wherever you go, there is plenty to do in Alaska. Alaska travel agents are experts in getting you the best deals on airline tickets, hotel accommodations, car rentals and more, so just tell them what you want. do and they'll take care of the rest. Booking flights to Alaska is easier than ever today thanks to the internet and travel agents who know the best places to take you and the best ways to get there.