Book a flight departing from Boise, Idaho

All non-stop flights (direct) as well as those with stopovers

Direct flights from Boise

DestinationDeparture atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
Atlanta20 May 202425 May 2024Delta Air LinesTickets from 478
Chicago24 May 202427 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 340
Denver24 April 202427 April 2024United AirlinesTickets from 430
Dallas9 May 202430 May 2024American AirlinesTickets from 353
Spokane2 May 20245 May 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 194
Las Vegas12 June 202414 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 69
Los Angeles23 May 202426 May 2024Avelo AirlinesTickets from 135
Minneapolis22 June 202429 June 2024Sun Country AirlinesTickets from 183
Portland3 May 20246 May 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 190
Phoenix10 May 202413 May 2024Allegiant AirTickets from 169
Pullman9 May 202413 May 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 211
Sacramento10 May 202413 May 2024Southwest AirlinesTickets from 144
San Diego12 May 202417 May 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 200
Seattle7 May 202410 May 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 130
San Francisco25 April 20242 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 258
San Jose19 June 202426 June 2024Southwest AirlinesTickets from 216
Salt Lake City21 May 202428 May 2024Delta Air LinesTickets from 298


Flights from Boise

DestinationDeparture atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
Las Vegas12 June 202414 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 69
Seattle7 May 202410 May 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 130
Fort Myers23 May 202427 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 404
Sacramento4 May 20246 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 146
Kigali24 June 202423 July 2024United AirlinesTickets from 1 777
Mexico City5 June 202428 June 2024American AirlinesTickets from 352
Minneapolis20 April 202427 April 2024United AirlinesTickets from 284
Cincinnati15 July 202429 July 2024American AirlinesTickets from 370
Houston1 May 20246 May 2024American AirlinesTickets from 237
Phoenix17 May 202419 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 145
Honolulu27 May 202431 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 284
Los Angeles23 May 202429 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 78
Kansas City29 May 20245 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 178
San Diego9 May 202411 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 101
Baltimore1 June 20246 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 213
Dallas9 May 202430 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 122
Fort Lauderdale19 June 202423 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 518
Lexington1 June 20241 July 2024United AirlinesTickets from 275
Portland3 May 20246 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 185
San Francisco25 April 20242 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 258
Dayton19 July 202423 July 2024United AirlinesTickets from 310
Guadalajara27 April 20246 May 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 306
Grand Rapids9 July 202413 July 2024American AirlinesTickets from 471
London26 May 20249 June 2024United AirlinesTickets from 1 062
Miami19 June 202423 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 308
Anchorage29 May 20248 June 2024Alaska AirlinesTickets from 317
Leon/Guanajuato8 May 202412 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 398
Nashville23 May 202427 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 320
Boston8 May 202417 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 234
Chicago24 May 202427 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 233


Many people will recommend that you book a direct flight to or from Boise, Idaho to see the state's attractions. This is especially true if you've never visited Idaho or don't know what you're doing in Idaho. But if you are an avid traveler planning to go on vacation to Idaho, you should also understand that there are other options for you when it comes to getting cheap flights to Idaho. Idaho. You should book a flight to Portland OR, a major hub for international travel, instead of planning a direct flight to Idaho. It's not only cheaper, it's also a great way to save money on a one-way ticket to the state.

If you plan to stay in Idaho for at least a week, you may also want to consider a multi-stop flight. When you book these flights, you can save a little bit of money because you can take advantage of the packages. You may find that, for example, a direct flight alone will cost you several hundred dollars more than a package that offers travel services as well as hotel and vehicle rentals. These packages are great value because they give you the convenience of a hotel and transportation, but you still have the chance to see everything you need to see in Idaho. This is often much cheaper than what it would cost you if you just booked a one-way flight.

Booking Boise ID flights is like booking any other flight you might need. You can call the airline, check prices, and make reservations online. If you want to save the money to view your favorite site, you should consider making your reservations for a direct flight to Idaho online. It's much faster and easier than calling each airline, explaining your travel plans, and hoping they can find a flight to Idaho in time to greet you. You'll also find that you don't have to worry about missing your connecting flight if you plan ahead.