Book a flight departing from Lebanon, NH (New Hampshire)

All non-stop flights (direct) as well as those with stopovers

Direct flights from Lebanon

DestinationDeparture atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
Boston28 April 202429 April 2024Cape AirTickets from 153
Westchester County13 June 202416 June 2024Cape AirTickets from 198


Flights from Lebanon

DestinationDeparture atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
Moscow30 April 20247 May 2024Cape AirTickets from 1 999


Booking a flight from Lebanon Airport, New Hampshire is not a difficult task, if you know how to go about it. The first step to take when booking a plane ticket from Lebanon is to book in advance. You can book an airline ticket online with a number of travel agents and even over the phone. You can book a direct flight from Lebanon or choose a return flight that will take you to your final destination.

When booking a direct flight from Lebanon, NH, you will find that you may get a better seating arrangement than what would be available if you booked a return flight. The reason is that when you book a direct flight, you don't have to pay a booking fee and you don't need to pay for a flight transfer. In most cases, there will be a one-way flight and no return seats, so you can sit wherever you want.

In addition, if you book a direct flight, you are usually able to pay more money than if you book a return flight. This is because in most cases there will be a one-way flight and therefore no return seats, so you will pay more money to get the seat you want. Another thing you should take into account when booking a seat is that in most cases you will need to pay for a seat with legroom and / or an armrest. This is standard accommodation provided by most of the major airlines that serve Lebanon. Make sure to keep these things in mind when booking a flight from Lebanon, NH.