Book a flight departing from Louisville, KY (Kentucky)

All non-stop flights (direct) as well as those with stopovers

Direct flights from Louisville

DestinationDeparture atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
Atlanta9 May 202414 May 2024Delta Air LinesTickets from 156
Boston20 May 202423 May 2024American AirlinesTickets from 331
Baltimore3 May 20246 May 2024Southwest AirlinesTickets from 272
Chicago30 May 202431 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 103
Charlotte1 June 20245 June 2024American AirlinesTickets from 228
Denver14 May 202415 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 284
Dallas9 May 202414 May 2024American AirlinesTickets from 264
Detroit22 May 202426 May 2024Delta Air LinesTickets from 298
Fort Lauderdale15 May 202419 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 79
Houston25 May 202429 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 144
Las Vegas4 May 20246 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 113
Los Angeles28 May 202418 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 133
Miami24 April 202427 April 2024American AirlinesTickets from 167
Minneapolis2 May 20245 May 2024Sun Country AirlinesTickets from 113
New Orleans2 May 20245 May 2024Breeze AirwaysTickets from 183
New York19 June 202422 June 2024American AirlinesTickets from 132
Orlando26 May 202429 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 60
Philadelphia25 April 202430 April 2024American AirlinesTickets from 336
Phoenix4 June 202411 June 2024Southwest AirlinesTickets from 269
Sarasota24 May 202427 May 2024Allegiant AirTickets from 150
Tampa9 May 202412 May 2024Breeze AirwaysTickets from 89
Washington4 May 20246 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 176


Flights from Louisville

DestinationDeparture atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
New York9 May 202412 May 2024American AirlinesTickets from 141
Istanbul26 May 20242 June 2024United AirlinesTickets from 1 431
Las Vegas4 May 20246 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 113
Miami28 May 20241 June 2024American AirlinesTickets from 210
Saint Louis30 April 20243 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 212
Salt Lake City12 June 202416 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 292
Orlando27 April 20247 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 90
Houston4 May 202418 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 125
Fort Lauderdale1 May 20244 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 58
Nairobi24 June 202424 July 2024American AirlinesTickets from 1 489
Philadelphia30 May 20243 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 195
Tampa30 June 20245 July 2024Breeze AirwaysTickets from 177
Los Angeles28 May 202418 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 133
Chicago30 May 202431 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 103
Portland2 May 20249 May 2024Sun Country AirlinesTickets from 297
Dallas9 May 202414 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 105
Seattle6 June 20249 June 2024United AirlinesTickets from 320
San Juan1 May 202410 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 177
Punta Cana13 May 202417 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 283
Manila11 June 202430 June 2024United AirlinesTickets from 1 276
Boston28 April 20244 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 187
Baltimore3 May 20246 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 146
Dubai3 May 202423 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 1 197
Washington4 May 20246 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 176
Daytona Beach19 April 202421 April 2024American AirlinesTickets from 393
Toronto29 April 20246 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 433
New Orleans2 May 20245 May 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 134
Fort Walton Beach14 June 202418 June 2024American AirlinesTickets from 250
West Palm Beach1 May 20244 May 2024United AirlinesTickets from 203
Cancun27 May 20241 June 2024Spirit AirlinesTickets from 195


Cheap flights from Louisville

DestinationDeparture atReturn atFind tickets
Chicago4 May 20246 May 2024Tickets from 172

If you are looking to travel to Louisville, you might be looking for cheap plane tickets or you might just want to get the best value during your stay here. Since all major metropolitan areas now have professional teams that offer discounted tickets to Louisville, it's easy to find a good deal if you know where to look. If you've been to some of Louisville's major sporting events before, you may already know that there are a lot of discounted tickets for these events, including basketball championships and baseball wild cards. You can book a direct flight and take advantage of the great deals available, but you can also consider some of the other options.

One of the options is to get a flight for the day. If you are able to plan a direct flight and a hotel room in one trip, you will likely save a lot of money. For example, if you fly on a Tuesday, your hotel will likely be full on Thursday, which means you may have to forgo the baseball game on Wednesday. On the other hand, if you get a direct flight and a hotel reservation, you can choose a flight from Tuesday to Thursday, fly on Wednesday, and then stay in a hotel that is not within walking distance of the city. stadium until Thursday. This can translate into a great family trip for less than a lot of money.

You may also want to check out some of the available online options. While many people are reluctant to use a computer at an airport, especially when dealing with money, there are many great resources out there that allow you to book a flight without leaving your home. For example, you can register airline tickets online using a credit card. When using this method, you will be responsible for making a deposit the night before the flight and then you will use a credit card to make the payment for the flight. While it is possible that you will lose money if the flight goes as planned, it is easy to see how booking a flight online this way can save you a lot of money. That's why it's worth seriously considering booking a flight from Louisville KY to anywhere else, whether for business or pleasure.