Manage, modify or change your Southwest Airlines flight reservation online

Why check Southwest reservations by numbers or last names? The thing is, not all customers buy them directly from the carrier. There is a solution for travel information or correct it in case of errors.

After making a purchase on the Southwest Airlines website, the information entered may be incorrect, or the passenger may see their travel plans change, so they must change their original booking information such as departure date or arrival or the destination, or the surname or first name which may be incorrectly entered.

What data is needed to verify and modify a Southwest Airlines reservation?

To clarify the information on the official company portal or on the hotline, you will need the following: reservation code and passenger’s last name. In some cases, a travel document number is also required, which you will find directly on the form or on the booking receipt. When purchased online, it is delivered to your email address along with the ticket itself.

Southwest’s online services allow you to clarify information about a flight, location, … at any time. To do this, it is enough to know the necessary data and study the instructions for verifying the information.

If travel documents have already been issued? You managed to buy tickets, but you want to clarify the nuances? Follow this procedure:

– Access the main page of the official portal

– Open the item to manage your reservation. In the form that opens, enter the PNR code (called reservation code) and your last name. It is important that the spelling is the same as when booking your plane ticket.

After entering the data and clicking “Search” , the service will provide the relevant information. You will be able to familiarize yourself with the details, get the receipt for the route again and, if necessary, return the tickets.

You will also see the booking code, travel document numbers, payment status on the monitor.

When booking with an agency?

If the purchase was made in an agency, then the information on the site will be different: in the order section, it is indicated that payment is not possible; in the “Tickets” column, you will find that they are not issued. To complete the procedure, just contact the company where the reservation was made.
Phone Verification Service

You can also find out if you managed to book a ticket remotely and clarify the conditions by calling the hotline. You will need to tell the operator your full name and travel document number so that they dictate the necessary information.

Change Fees and Deadline

Changes can be made up to 10 minutes before departure before flight departure if you book your flight with the Business Select or Anytimes fare, for example.
Changing the date, time or route costs $0. The name change is also free, but you must contact Southwest customer service by phone to change it.

In Manage my Booking account, you can manage your bookings 24 hours a day and from any device. Here are some of the things you can do:

– Check the status of your reservations;

– Request data changes, dates, destinations, name, … request a cancellation;

– Select new dates for your open ticket;

– Download/Print your electronic plane ticket;

– Download your payment invoice;

– See the follow-up of the status of your requests;

– Make special requests to the airline, hotel, rental company, …

To see all the actions available to manage your reservation, follow these steps:

– Log in to your account Manage my Booking;

– Select your trip;

– Choose an option according to your preference.

Note: Reservations are associated with the email you entered at the time of purchase;
If you can’t find your reservations, you may have made the purchase with a different email or you may need to wait a few minutes for your information to update.

Changing a Southwest flight booking online: Requirements

Are you the person holding the reservation? If this is not the case, remember that only the owner can request the modification of the reservation.

Remember that if you change the dates, the price may vary. The price in effect at the time of the request will be applied.

The modification of the reservation entails a recalculation of the amount of the deposit (If you ever change your itinerary for example).

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