Baggage policy on board Delta Airlines flights

Delta Air Lines offers the Send My Bag service, with which you can choose to send as much luggage as you want and pay less than with traditional airlines.

Enjoy an improved baggage allowance

Delta Airlines allows you to check in your luggage for free. You can carry on any type of luggage, but some airlines limit how much you can carry on. Your carry-on luggage should fit inside one suitcase.

Dogs, cats and household birds can be carried on board as long as they fit in a carrier that fits under the seat in the front of the plane. Pet carriers count as one piece of carry-on luggage.

Certain items are not permitted in carry-on baggage including hoverboards, Galaxy Note 7, fireworks, bleach, firearms.

Passengers should be charged more if they carry large items into the plane. A passenger who carries two bags should be charged more than a person carrying one bag. Delta allows passengers to check 1 bag per person, regardless of the fare type.

Prepare luggage efficiently before departure

Whether it’s for a short 2-day weekend or for a longer vacation of 10 or 15 days, or even for a stay of several months, there are methods to optimize storage, pack your suitcase and your luggage properly, without losing space and above all not forgetting anything before departure.

The advice we give for packing your suitcase correctly and intelligently will be valid whether it is for a cabin suitcase that you will take as hand luggage on the plane, for a travel backpack or for a larger suitcase, which can travel in the holds of the plane.

Travelers who want to take only a cabin suitcase to put all their belongings will necessarily face greater problems than those with a larger suitcase, which can travel in checked baggage. However, with the advent of low-cost airlines, more and more travelers are content with a carry-on size travel bag to go on vacation.

Some travelers push the concept of saving space to its maximum and only try to pack the bare minimum, often using only one and only one piece of carry-on for the entire duration of their vacation.

In any case, if you plan to leave with only one suitcase, the first thing to do is to make sure that its size respects the maximum dimensions authorized in the cabin or in the hold of the plane. Knowing the maximum size tolerated by your company will allow you to optimize the choice of the most suitable suitcase for your trip.

Only one suitcase in the cabin

Obviously, if the destination is a paradise island in the tropics such as Guadeloupe or Martinique, Mauritius, Bali, Cuba, Hawaii, Ibiza and the Balearic Islands, Australia or even Reunion Island: then the question on how to pack for a vacation in the sun has a relatively simple answer… Pack the minimum in as few suitcases as possible.

A small piece of hand luggage can be more than enough if the duration of your vacation does not exceed 5 to 8 days. If so, you can follow this list of items not to forget in your cabin suitcase when going on vacation in the sun:

– Sunglasses;

– Flip flops or flip flops;

– Beach towels;

– Identity papers, credit card and some cash;

– Small toiletry bag (nail clipper, tweezers, razor, perfume);

– Solar cream;

– Camera and camcorder (if your phone doesn’t);

– Telephone (ideally with package adapted for abroad);

– Pen to fill in postcards and airport formalities.

Destinations that require more than just carry-on baggage

If the trip is to a less “exotic” vacation destination with a cooler climate, then a small cabin suitcase may not be enough. Inevitably, a stay in the snow or skiing, in London, England, Ireland, Scotland or even in the USA like in New York or San Francisco will require warmer and bulkier clothes which will not all fit in a small suitcase. by hand, especially if your vacation lasts more than a week…

Here is a small summary list that will help you not to forget anything in your plane luggage to go on vacation with peace of mind:

– Identity papers;

– Means of payment (CB, checkbook and local currency);

– Toiletries (with baggage in the hold, you can take liquid products);

– Enough different clothes and outfits, especially if you want to party (new year’s eve, birthday, special evening);

– Warm clothes (especially for mountain and winter sports);

– Your sports equipment (ski, snowboard, gloves, hat, mask);

– A backpack or a banana (to accompany you on your daily walks);

– A small first aid kit, especially if you are planning hikes or walks.

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